TY - SER AU - Financial Times TI - HARD ACT TO FOLLOW KW - POLITICA ECONOMICA ESTADOS UNIDOS FUNCIONARIOS PRESUPUESTO NACIONAL TASA DE INTERES KW - POLITICA ECONOMICA - ESTADOS UNIDOS KW - 02 KW - 3ext132 KW - US N2 - Robert Rubin, who resigned yesterday as US Treasury secretary after four and a half years, has been the defining figure of economic policymaking in the Clinton administration. Partnership has been the theme of Mr Rubin's time in office, since he left Wall Street at the start of the Clinton term to serve as head of the new National Economic Council. It was a joint approach with Lloyd Bentsen, then Treasury secretary, that persuaded Mr Clinton that cutting the federal budget deficit to allow interest rates to fall should be at the centre of the new administration's economic agenda, rather than targeted tax cuts. This has been a successful strategy ER -